Summer & Fall Offers

Summer & Fall Offers may not be sent out until Wednesday @ 7 pm

Offers that are valid and binding are written offers emailed to the family of the player with [email protected] CC’d on the email, and they must be sent during the correct dates and times. Players have 48 hours from the timestamp on the offer email to accept or decline the offer in writing. Families are encouraged to let clubs know of your intentions as soon as the decision has been made – you do NOT need to wait until the deadline to accept or decline an offer.

Once a player accepts in writing via the email offer CC’d to [email protected], then the agreement is binding for both parties. Once you accept an offer, you cannot change your mind and join another club. You have made a season-long commitment to that club. Clubs are under no obligation to release players until their season is finished.

Offers not accepted or declined within the allotted time will be automatically rescinded when 48 hours is over according to the timestamp on the original offer email. Once an offer is declined in writing, the offer is off of the table. If the player changes their mind, the parents need to contact the club. If the club wants to reissue a new offer they can do so.

Any offer before the specified dates and time above is invalid. A club is allowed to let you know an offer will be extended to and what the offer will include, but it must be in writing as stated above.